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Mgr. Jan Valenta, Ph.D.

Oddělení seismotektoniky
Telefon: +420266009345
Kancelář: místnost č.: 191, budova: D, patro: 2
Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin AVČR, v.v.i.
V Holešovičkách 41
182 09, Praha 8
Česká republika
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O mně

Within my professional career I focus to the field of applied geophysics. The main reason is that I am curious about how the world is constructed. Everything started, similar to the others, during my childhood by disassembling the alarm clock. However, later on I was fascinated by the geophysics which helped to realize my child dreams and look into the secret internals of hills and valleys.

I have studied the Applied Geophysics on the Faculty of Science, Charles University and finished my Ph.D. studies there. Then I started to work at the Czech Academy of Sciences within the field of geophysics. Several years later I partially went back to the University to teach several courses there. As a reward, I highly benefit from curiosity of my students.

My main research interests is visualization of inner structure of volcanic edifices accompanied by application of geophysical methods within the field of geohazards and environmental and archaeological applications.