Selected papers for last 7 years:
Share, P.-E, Tábořík, P., Štěpančíková, P., Stemberk, J.,Rockwell, T.K., Wade, A., Arrowsmith, J.R., Donnellan, A., Vernon, F.L., Ben-Zion, Y. (2020): Characterizing the uppermost 100 m structure of the San Jacinto fault zone southeast of Anza, California, through joint analysis of geological, topographic, seismic and resistivity data. Geophysical Journal International, Volume 222, Issue 2, 13 May 2020, 781-794.
Štěpančíková P., Fischer T., Stemberk J., Nováková L., Hartvich F., Figueiredo M. P. (2019): Active tectonics in the Cheb basin: youngest documented Holocene surface faulting in central Europe? Geomorphology, 327, 15 February 2019, 472-488,
Balatka B., Kalvoda J., Steklá T., Štěpančíková P. (2019): Morphostratigraphy of river terraces in the Eger valley (Czechia) focused on the Smrčiny Mountains, the Chebská pánev Basin and the Sokolovská pánev Basin. AUC GEOGRAPHICA, Vol 54 No 2, 240–259.
Rocwell T. K., Masana E., Sharp W., Štěpančíková P., Ferrater M., Mertz-Kraus R. (2019): Late Quaternary slip-rates for the southern Elsinore fault in the Coyote Mountains, southern California from analysis of alluvial fan provenance, soils, and U-series ages of pedogenic carbonate. Geomorphology, 326 (2019) 68–89,
Ortuño M., Corominas O., Villamor P., Zúñiga R. F, Lacan P., Aguirre-Díaz G., Perea H., Štěpančíková P., Ramírez-Herrera M. T. (2019): Evidence of recent ruptures in the central faults of the Acambay graben (Central Mexico). Geomorphology, 326, 17–37, DOI: 0.1016/j.geomorph.2018.07.010
Blecha V., Fischer T., Tábořík P., Vilhem J., Klanica R., Valenta J., Štěpančíková P. (2018): Geophysical evidence of the Eastern Marginal fault of the Cheb Basin (Czech Republic). Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Volume 62, Issue 4, pp 660–680, DOI 10.1007/s11200-017-0452-9
Masana E., Moreno X., Gràcia E., Pallàs R., Ortuño M., López R., Gómez-Novell O., Ruano P., Perea H., Stepancikova P., Khazaradze G. (2018): First evidence of paleoearthquakes along the Carboneras Fault Zone (SE Iberian Peninsula): Los Trances site. Geologica Acta, Vol.16, Nº 4, December 2018, 461-476, DOI: 10.1344/GeologicaActa2018.16.4.8
Špaček P., Valenta J., Tábořík P., Ambrož V., Urban M., Štěpančíková P. (2017): Fault slip versus slope deformations: Experience from paleoseismic trenches in the region with low slip-rate faults and strong Pleistocene periglacial mass wasting (Bohemian Massif). Quaternary International 451, 56-73.
Štěpančíková, P., Stemberk J. jr (2016): Region of the Rychlebské hory Mountains – tectonically controlled landforms and unique landscape of granite inselbergs (Sudetic Mountains). In: Pánek, T., Hradecký, J. Eds.: Landscapes and Landforms of the Czech Republic, Series World Geomorphological Landscapes. Springer, 263-276, ISBN 978-94-017-8587-7
Bábek O., Briestenský M., Přecechtělová G., Štěpančíková P., Hellstrom J.C. Drysdale R. N. (2015): Pleistocene speleothem fracturing in the foreland of the Western Carpathians: a case study from the seismically active eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. Geological Quaterly, 59 (3): 491–506
Rockwell, T.K, J. M. Fletcher, O. J. Teran, A. P. Hernandez, K. J. Mueller, J. B. Salisbury, S. O. Akciz, and P. Štěpančíková (2015): Reassessment of the 1892 Laguna Salada Earthquake: Fault Kinematics and Rupture Patterns. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 105, No. 6, pp. 2885-2893, December 2015, doi: 10.1785/0120140274.
Špaček P., Bábek O., Štěpančíková P., Švancara J., Pazdírková J., Sedláček J. (2015): The Nysa-Morava Zone: an active tectonic domain with Late Cenozoic sedimentary grabens in the Western Carpathians’ foreland (NE Bohemian Massif). Int J Earth Sci. International Journal of Earth Sciences: Volume 104, Issue 4 (2015), Page 963-990, DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1121-7.
Coubal M., Málek J., Adamovič J., Štěpančíková P. (2015): Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic dynamics of the Bohemian Massif inferred from the paleostress history of the Lusatian Fault Belt. Journal of Geodynamics 87, 26-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2015.02.006
Wechsler N., Rockwell T.K., Klinger Y., Štěpančíková P., Kanari M., Marco S., Agnon A. (2014): A Paleoseismic Record of Earthquakes for the Dead Sea Transform Fault between the First and Seventh Centuries C.E.: Nonperiodic Behavior of a Plate Boundary Fault. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vo. 104, 3, doi: 10.1785/0120130304