Submissions: |
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia accepts original papers in English concerning all aspects of mentioned disciplines. Authors should
submit text file written in MS Word (any version) and in case of need other files (figures, tables etc.) by e-mail to one of the Editors.
The Editorial Board on the basis of reviews of at least two referees makes the decision upon their publication. The Editorial Board
cooperates with foreign referees. |
Reviewers: |
Please submit, with the manuscript, the names, affiliation and e-mail addresses of five potential reviewers of various nationalities. Note
that the editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are used. |
Journal Policy: |
It is Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia policy to publish only original and unpublished research work therefore Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia does not wish to receive any papers on research work that has already been reported in parts or contains already published text, data, figures, tables or other illustrations or any copyright materials whatsoever that has been submitted or accepted for publication either in a journal or conference proceedings elsewhere in any form, in print or in electronic media. When submitting a manuscript, authors have to sign an Author Declaration that the research work contained in their manuscript is completely original and unpublished. If redundant or duplicate publication is attempted or occurs authors should expect immediate editorial action to be taken including prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript. Submission of any manuscript that contains redundant or duplicate publication of the same or very similar research work violates the policies of this journal. It is authors' responsibility to obtain written copyright permissions from other sources for reproduction of any figures, tables, photos, illustrations, text or other copyright materials from previously published work. |
Manuscript: |
The manuscript should be organized in the following order: title, full name of all authors, their affiliations and addresses including e-mail address, abstract (100 – 200 words in length), keywords, text and references. |
Tables: |
Tables at maximum size 24 x 16 cm and minimum font size 9 pt should be given in text. Tables must be written really as tables (in
columns), not as text (in rows). |
Figures: |
Photographs, drawings and maps are acceptable only in a good quality (minimum 600 dpi). Maps should include coordinates. Descriptions of axes should be at sufficient size in due to possibility of reducing. Figures may be placed in a text or given as separate files. Permitted formats of figure files are only (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt, *.bmp, *.pcx, *.tif, *.jpg, *.gif). Figures should be numbered consecutively, according to their sequence in the text. Required size of the figures in the manuscript should be included to the list of captions. |
Mathematical formulae: |
Mathematical formulae should be numbered consecutively, according to their sequence in the text. Variables, constants and other
symbols should be written exclusively at MS Equation Editor or MS MathType. All used symbols should be explained in the text or in
the list of symbols. |
References: |
References to published literature should be quoted in the text in author/data style, e.g. (Balík, 2004), (Balík and Suchý, 2004), (Balík et al., 2004). References should be listed together at the end of the paper in alphabetic order and with existing DOI. Titles of articles have to be in English.
Bogusz, J. and Figurski, M.: 2012, GPS-derived height changes in diurnal and sub-diurnal timescales. Acta Geophysica, 60, 2, 295–317. DOI: 10.2478/s11600-011-0074-5
Newmark, N.M. and Hall, W.J.: 1982, Earthquake Spectra and Design, Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo, 103 pp.
Poprawa, D. and Raczkowski, W.: 2003, Landslides of the Carpathians. Przeglad Geologiczny, 51, 8, 511–520, (in Polish).
Nemčok, M., Pospíšil, L., Hrušecký, I. and Zsiros, T.: 2006, Subduction in the Carpathians Flysh Basin. In: Golonka, J. and Pícha, F.J. (Eds.): The Carpathians and their foreland. AAPG Memoir 84, 767–785.
Important: |
When page proofs of the accepted manuscript are made and sent to authors, this is in order to check that no undetected errors
have arisen in the typesetting (or file conversion) process. Only printers' errors may be corrected; no changes in, or additions to, will be accepted.
Deadline for manuscript rewriting or reworking after reviewer report is two months. After this date the manuscript will be considered as
newly submitted.