doc. Ing. Tomáš Suchý, Ph.D.

Department of Composites and Carbon Materials
Phone: +420266009287
Office:room No.: 201, building: B, floor: 2
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS, v.v.i.
V Holešovičkách 41
182 09, Prague 8
Czech Republic
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Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics
Biomechanics of Bone Tissue (Biomechanics I)
Biomedical Statistics (Biomechanics III)
Introduction to Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics

Supervisor and consultant of bachelor, master or doctoral theses at the Department of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Medicine, CU in Pilsen and 1st Faculty of Medicine CU in Prague (programme Experimental Surgery).