Institute in the Media


video | journal / book | lecture | seminar / workshop | press release

22.1. 2010

Earthquake on Haiti - interview for the Czech Radio 6

mp3, 10.4 MB

7.10. 2006

Interview for the Czech Radio Leonardo

mp3, 5.4 MB, 13 min, in Czech, this is an abbreviated version of magazine "Natura" broadcasted on December 7, 2006.


audio | journal / book | lecture | seminar / workshop | press release

7.4. 2023

Detecting plate tectonics micromotions for potential earthquake prediction (Bewegungs Melder)
| video file
TV Report on the measurement of fault activity using the TM71 extensometer in the Vienna Basin, Austria.
ORF TV, program Mayrs Magazin - Wissen fuer alle

10.5. 2017

Man-Made Man
| video file
The exhibition Man-Made Man – Technology and Medicine opened on May 10th, 2017 - March 4th, 2018 at the National Technical Museum. The exhibition introduces the visitor not only to the history and the present of prosthetics as a specific field, but also to the use of technological substitutes across all fields of medicine. It uncovers ample collaboration of experts in medicine, electronics, cybernetics, mechanics, statics, design, and other fields, which precedes the development of unique prostheses and makes it possible.The exhibition is organized in cooperation with Charles University and the National Medical Library. Expert guarantor of part of the Exhibition Materials in Prosthetics is Dr. Tomáš Suchý, the Head of the Department of Composite and Carbon Materials of the IRSM of the CAS.

2.2. 2014

Unique Research on the Svalbard Islands
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5.11. 2013

Great earthquakes: What we know and what else we would like to know

lecture given on October 10, 2012, at the Academy of Sciences, Prague.

6.4. 2013

Station measuring the size of an Earthquake
| video file
Cesky Krumlov gets its own station on the measurement of the earth shake. One year after the earthquake, which was in this area is relatively strong, it seismologists are building in a remote century in the already dysfunctional Graphite mine.
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10.3. 2010

"Seismologie střední Ameriky" (Seismology of the Latin America)

A list of reportages is shown, please, select the "Seismologie střední Ameriky" (Seismology of the Latin America) link and then play the video by pushing the button "spustit vybrané" (play selected).

Journal / Book

audio | video | lecture | seminar / workshop | press release

6.7. 2022

Mineralogy book
| journal / book
Mineralogy book published recently by the British publishing house IntechOpen in London, whose editor is Dr. Miloš René from the Department of Geochemistry of the IRSM of the CAS, includes thirteen chapters that discuss the methodology of specific mineralogical methods, the composition of minerals from different igneous rocks, and the composition of minerals from different sedimentary rocks.It contains detailed mineralogical studies from Africa, Asia, and Europe. Chapters present different scientific mineralogical methods and detailed descriptions of miner.

10.3. 2021

Geochemistry-Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
| journal / book
Book Geochemistry, published recently by the British publishing house IntechOpen in London, whose main editor is Dr. Miloš René from the Department of Geochemistry of the IRSM of the CAS, includes fourteen chapters that discuss the chemical composition of various rock complexes, their structural evolution, methodology of specific geochemical methods (isotopic geology), using of geochemical methods for exploration of mineral deposits, structural geology, stratigraphy and lithology.

1.12. 2020

Century-long history of rural community landslide risk reduction
| journal / book

31.8. 2020

The world’s deepest freshwater cave just got a whole lot deeper
| journal / book
For decades, spelunkers have flocked to the flooded caverns of the Czech Republic’s Hranice Abyss, which stretches farther below ground than any other freshwater cave system. Now, a scientific campaign to the cave has revealed it is 1 kilometer deep, more than twice as deep as previously thought. The researchers also say the abyss formed as groundwater seeped down from the surface, not as water percolated up, as previously believed—a finding that could call into question the origin of other deep caves. Now, scientists have revealed a clearer picture using a combination of geophysical techniques. Klanica and his colleagues also found evidence of an ancient groundwater drainage system in the limestone, suggesting a new, aboveground origin for the abyss- The resulting picture revealed a system of deep, trenchlike caverns—some filled with sediment—that had been carved from the limestone, Surprisingly, these sediment-covered trenches extend to about 1 kilometer below the surface—far deeper than previous estimates, the team reported this month in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.

12.5. 2018

Erdbebenforschung in Obir-Höhlen
| journal / book
ORF Radio Kärnten

3.4. 2018

Czech scientists assist in research of risks in high mountains
| journal / book
A manual aimed to help assess natural risks in high mountains, mainly in areas with glaciers and permanently frozen soil, has been issued by an international scientific team including experts from the Czech Academy of Sciences...
Prague Daily Monitor news
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24.3. 2015

Joint Analysis of Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion and HVSR of Lunar Seismic Data from the Apollo 14 and 16 Sites
| journal / book
Icarus journal (the Elsevier journal of planetary sciences)

21.7. 2014

Sandstone landforms shaped by negative feedback between stress and erosion
| journal / book
NATURE Geoscience

21.7. 2014

Sandstone shapes 'forged by gravity'

Geologists have discovered the secret that gives dramatic natural sandstone monuments their shape: gravity.
BBC News - Science and Environment

20.7. 2014

Sandstone arches form under their own stress - News (International weekly journal of science)

4.5. 2014

Scientist Spotlight Jan Klimes

Mountain Meridian (No.8,2014)

6.11. 2013

The trajectory, structure and origin of the Chelyabinsk asteroidal impactor
| journal / book
Article - pg.Nature 503, 235–237

7.8. 2013

Study of climate risks seen lacking in Peru
| journal / book
EcoAmé journal, issue July 2013, see more EcoAméricas coverage by visiting website at:

3.5. 2013

Czech scientists studying the largest landslides on Earth, with support from the National Geographic Society

Coastal and submarine landslides on volcanic islands, their research is conducted by Czech experts with the support of a grant National Geographic Society and the Waitt Institute - article and interview in National Geograpfic magazine
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7.3. 2013

Carbonaceous particles around us, under the microscope microscopic and chemical methods
| journal / book
articel in Vesmir magazine 03/2013
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12.1. 2012

Article (3) in the local newspaper concerning the Magnitude 2.1 event in Český Krumlov

12.1. 2012

Article (2) in the local newspaper concerning the Magnitude 2.1 event in Český Krumlov

12.1. 2012

Article (1) in the local newspaper concerning the Magnitude 2.1 event in Český Krumlov

5.5. 2011

Landslides in myths and legends
| journal / book
Vesmír journal 90, (268-271), 2011/5

5.11. 2010

Landslides in the Czech Republic

Vesmír journal 89 (686), 2010/11
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22.7. 2010

Charles Bridge: connection of material knowledge of antiquity and modern times
| journal / book
Vesmír 89, 430-431, 2010/7
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10.6. 2010

Evaluation of Natural Hazards in Urubamba Valley

Vesmír journal 89, 364, 2010/6

14.1. 2010

Haiti Earthquake - interview for the MF Dnes newspaper

jpg, 1.7 MB

1.1. 2010

The magnitude and the intensity

pdf, 163 kB, 3 pages A4, in Czech - a text describing the basics about the earthquake magnitude and macroseismic intensity

3.6. 2006

Reportage published in the "Českobudějovické listy"

jpg, 470 kB, in Czech, describing political as well as geophysical issues concerning the elections for the Czech Parliament experienced in Mongolia.

20.5. 2004

Contribution to the MOUSE detection

pdf, 730 kB, 1 page A4, using 30 s Guralp seismometers.


audio | video | journal / book | seminar / workshop | press release

16.12. 2022

Theology of earthquakes
| lecture
Seminar on current problems in the field of seismic research of the Earth, Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University. Lecture by Petra Štěpančíková from IRSM of the CAS.

2.12. 2022

BayesISOLA: A new version of the code and its applications
| lecture
Seminar on current problems in the field of seismic research of the Earth, Department of Geophysics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University. Lecture by Jiří Vackář from IRSM of the CAS.

4.3. 2022

Lecture: Six-component seismograms at local distances: news from the world of Rotaphones
| lecture
Seminar on current problems in the field of seismic research of the Earth, Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University. Lecture by Jiří Málek from IRSM of the CAS.

22.10. 2021

Seismic beacon - a new device for monitoring changes in rock massifs
| lecture
Seminar on current problems in the field of seismic research of the Earth, Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (MFF), Charles University Prague, lectured by Jiří Málek and Renata Lukešová from IRSM of the CAS.
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8.1. 2021

Combined effects of seismic directivity and attenuation: an example from surface microseismic monitoring
| lecture
Seminar on current problems in the field of seismic research of the Earth, Department of Geophysics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University. Lecture by Miloš Wcislo a František Staněk from IRSM of the CAS.
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16.11. 2018

From Nano to Geo: Scaffolds for Innovation
| lecture
Dr. Matt Rowberry from Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS, developed a contactless positioning system for monitoring geological discontinuities such as faults and fractures. Once again, the very same physical principle was targetting a completely different scale, and the second scaffold was constructed. This contactless positioning system has been deployed on to monitor landslides in the Canary Islands and active tectonic faults in Austria and Spain.
The event was organised by Spanish Embassy on November 15, 2018, at the Czech Academy of Sciences, which aims to transform ladders into scaffolds.

22.11. 2017

Progress and selected results within the section Crust Geodynamics in 2017
| lecture
Workshop CzechGeo/EPOS 2017

22.11. 2017

Results of monitoring of huge landslide at Hierro Island (SlopeNet)
| lecture
Workshop CzechGeo/EPOS 2017

22.11. 2017

Tectonic strain changes recognised by fault slip monitoring along eastern border of the Bohemian Massif (TecNet)
| lecture
Workshop CzechGeo/EPOS 2017

16.11. 2016

Workshop CzechGeo/EPOS
| lecture
Fault slips development RECORDED on MAJOR lugicum faults, Institute of Geophysics of the CAS, Prague
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9.11. 2016

Preparation and testing of collagen-based nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering and bone implantology
| lecture
Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference 2016 - 9th to 11th November 2016, Barcelona (Pompeu Fabra University)

3.12. 2015

Natural hazards around us – opinions of European experts on natural and social environment changes
| lecture
Workshop, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague

3.12. 2015

Natural hazards around us – opinions of European experts on natural and social environment changes
| lecture
Workshop, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Dr. Paola Reichenbach

3.12. 2015

Natural hazards around us – opinions of European experts on natural and social environment changes
| lecture
Workshop, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Dr. Fausto Guzzetti

18.8. 2014

International symposium Geochemistry of the Earth’s surface (GES-10)
| lecture
Organic geochemistry of fossil resins from the Czech Republic
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10.7. 2013

Proved materials for geopolymers
| lecture
Geopolymer Camp 2013, July 8th to 10th, Saint-Quentin, France
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10.7. 2013

Amorphous or crystalline
| lecture
Geopolymer Camp 2013, July 8th to 10th, Saint-Quentin, France

10.7. 2013

Tests of materials emploied for geopolymers
| lecture
Geopolymer Camp 2013, July 8th to 10th, Saint-Quentin, France

10.4. 2013

Afghanistan - wild and beautiful country
| lecture

25.3. 2013

Materials for geopolymer binders

Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Low-Temperature Physics

12.1. 2012

Records of the Český Krumlov event at 62 stations around Central Europe (distance < 300 km from the epicenter).

This is an announcement for the presentation held in the epicentral village of Kájov near Český Krumlov.

15.6. 2011

Inorganic wastes - materials for geopolymers

Lectures and Workshop "Geopolymers" by Bruno Fabbri, Tomáš Hanzlíček and Ivana Perna, 13th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials), Ljubljana, Slovenia

6.12. 2010

Some Application of Organic Geochemistry

National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt

Seminar / Workshop

audio | video | journal / book | lecture | press release

30.8. 2017

Recent Geodynamics of the Sudeten and Adjacent Areas
| seminar / workshop
18th Czech Polish Workshop, organized by The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in a collaboration with the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Geodesy, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic and Association of students and PhD students "Zenit – Nadir",
October 26 - 28, 2017, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
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4.11. 2014

15th Czech-Polish Workshop on Recent Geodynamics of the Sudeten and the Adjacent Areas
| seminar / workshop
November 5 - 8, 2014, Karlov pod Pradedem
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23.4. 2014

State of geomorphological research in 2014

14th international conference, 23th - 25th April 2014, Teplice
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4.4. 2012

State of geomorphological research in 2012
| seminar / workshop
12th international conference, 18th -20th April, Sokolov
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Press Release

audio | video | journal / book | lecture | seminar / workshop

15.5. 2013

Unique machine Electrospunra 210 helps replace bone tissue
| press release
used for several months in the Department of composites and carbon materials Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences in Prague for the preparation of nanofibres. It is capable of producing micro and nano fibers of polymers, ceramics materials...
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21.2. 2013

Czech scientists studying giant landslides in the Canary Islands

The first stage of building a giant landslide monitoring network on El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, was completed by the beginning of February, experts from the Department of Engineering Geology Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics (IRSM) AV CR. This work is funded by the National Geographic Society grant and the Waitt Institute. Coastal and submarine landslides on volcanic islands, the largest known landslides on Earth. In the Canary Islands, they occurred fairly regularly over the last 300,000 years and probably for them were large and tsunami.  
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