Paleoseismological evaluation of fault structures near NPP Temelín (2009-2010, SUJ/JC)


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

State funding provider - State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB)

Resolved in:

2009 - 2010

Principal investigator:

RNDr. Jiří Málek, PhD., Department of Seismotectonics, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.
Mgr. Petr Špaček, Ph.D., Energoprůzkum Praha, s.r.o.


RNDr. Ivan Prachař, CSc., The Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science


A compilation of borehole, geophysical and geological data available for the area under study will be carried out and integrated into GIS based database. The database content will be set so as to enable modelling of the geological structure of the area, depth extent of the stratigraphic horizons of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments, location of faults with possibly significant Cenozoic activity and the extent of the fluvial terraces. The regional- to local-scale digital terrain models (DTMs) will be interpolated from detailed elevation data. Based on the analysis of DTM and available geophysical and geological data, fault sections with pronounced expressions of young tectonic activity will be selected for more detailed survey. After field reconnaissance several profiles will be specified, on which auxiliary and detailed geophysical survey will be carried out, using geoelectric and seismic methods. Geoelectric profiles obtained by DC resistivity methods and ground-penetrating radar will help to locate buried structures with anomalous electromagnetic manifestation. Refraction seismic profiles will help to locate low-velocity zones and zones of higher attenuation of seismic waves. The geophysical anomalies will be used as a basis for the assessment of sub-surface geometry of the faults. Profiles which are suitable for digging the trenches will be located in positions with positive correlation of geophysical, geological and morphological indications. The trenches will be founded so as to reach the sub-surface parts of the fault (depth of several meters) and to allow their detailed analysis. The exposed profiles will be documented in a detail, interpreted structurally and the individual structural domains linked with possible fault-movements will be sampled. The samples will be dated by suitable standard laboratory methods (radiocarbon dating and/or optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating).

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Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)