A comparison of seismic swarms in West Bohemia and South Iceland


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

International project: EEA/Norway Grants and the Czech Republic state budget by means of the Research Support Fund

Resolved in:

2009 - 2010

Principal investigator:

RNDr. Jiří Málek, Ph.D., Department of Seismotectonics, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.


RNDr. Pavel Hejda, CSc., Institute of Geophysics, AS CR, v.v.i. Ing. Josef Horálek, CSc., Institute of Geophysics, AS CR, v.v.i.


The main goal of the proposed project is to find out common features of seismic swarms in South Iceland and West Bohemia and to refine interpretation methods of measured seismic data. Attention will be paid to better understanding of earthquake preparation and initiation processes and to the role of crustal fluids (water, magma, CO2) in these processes. Two practical aspects of the research will be followed: 1) the feasibility of predicting earthquake swarms; 2) criteria for optimal location of possible geothermal boreholes in West Bohemia. This project contributes to the priority No. 2.2 “R&D in environmental monitoring systems” and No. 2.5 “R&D of using bio fuels and alternative energy resources as secondary source of energy at municipality level” of the EEA/Norway FM. Seismic swarms, which are observed both in Iceland and in the Czech Republic represent series of weak or middle-sized earthquakes, which terrify inhabitants and cause material damages. This phenomena is carefully monitored by seismic networks SIL in Iceland and WEBNET in the Czech Republic. However, prediction of seismic swarm is not possible yet and it needs more sophisticated interpretation of observation. Comparing data and interpretation can lead to progress in this task. Through the history of Iceland earthquakes are known to have caused much destruction especially in the South Icelandic seismic zone. During the later 20th century the fear for repeated seismic activity led to several actions of preparedness including multipurpose real-time monitoring of the area. After installing the high-level automatic acquisition and evaluation procedures in South Iceland Lowland (SIL) this region became one of testing area for the most advance research of seismic source and development of methods for earthquakes prediction. Iceland is also a leading country in utilization of geothermal energy. This know-how is extremely profitable for research in West-Bohemia earthquake swarm region. The last earthquakes swarm in October 2008 was registered by sensitive seismic network WEBNET and these data could give us the basis for progress in earthquake forecasting. Moreover seismic swarms could be related with fluids in Earth core (hot water or CO2). In this way, Investigation of seismic swarms will bring also information about the potential of geothermal energy in West Bohemia.

External website:

Web of the Project