Seismic Velocity Model in the Vicinity of Eger Rift from Dispersion of Surface Waves


Grant No.:

I039 / No. Z3046908

Grant Agency:

Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the CR (GAAVČR)

Resolved in:

2004 - 2004

Principal investigator:

Mgr. Petr Kolínský, PhD., Department of Seismotectonics, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.


Surface wave records were analyzed, dispersion curves were estimated and compared with the theoretical curves computed for average regional models. As the differences were significant, we made an inversion of the estimated dispersions for 1D velocity models for several tens of surface wave paths. The lateral heterogeneity of the region was discussed and more data were analyzed to prepare surface wave tomography inversion possible. To provide these tasks we prepared several computer programs which were joined in the SVAL program.

ISVAV: (What is it?)

Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)