Distributed System of Permanent Observatory Measurements and Temporary Monitoring of Geophysical Fields (CzechGeo/EPOS-Sci)


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)

Resolved in:

2017 - 2020

Principal investigator:

Institute of Geophysics of the CAS
Dr. Pavel Hejda


Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS
Dr. Josef Stemberk
Dr. Jiří Málek
Dr. Filip Hartvich
Dr. Jan Blahůt
Dr. Jan Balek
Dr. Jakub Stemberk

Dr. Jakub Kostelecký, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography,
Dr. Dana Čápová, Czech Geological Survey
prof. Zdeněk Kaláb, Institute of Geonics of the CAS
Dr. Vladimír Plicka, Charles University in Prague
Dr. Petr Špaček, Masaryk University


The project is aimed at stable operation, development and upgrade of the network of geoscience observations operated by the Czech research institutions and universities. The system consists of permanent observatories (seismic, GNSS, magnetic, gravimetric geothermic and geodynamic) usually incorporated in global data networks, local stations or networks in areas significant in the long-term for basic research or applications and mobile stations which serve for repeated observations at selected points, or for field measurements, usually within the scope of large international projects. CzechGeo/EPOS is closely connected with the large European research infrastructure EPOS (European Plate Observing System). The priorities for the next period include user-friendly data access to global or regional data bases/repositories, increasing the number of stations with a real-time remote data access whenever possible, transmission of access to high-level products and integration of data in the frame of the Implementation Phase of the EPOS Project. In the next period the recent observatories and networks will be upgraded and expanded. the upgrade will concern those components that are close to the end of their working cycle or that have to be innovated in order to respond to the actual demands of research community and to the technological development. In addition to innovation of existing facilities, new components (e.g. the Near Fault Observatory in West Bohemia involving three boreholes) are planned. The cooperation with EPOS will be aimed at contributing to and taking advantage of the thematic and integrated core services. According to the strategy of EPOS, geological data will be included.

ISVAV: (What is it?)

Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)