Late Cenozoic to present tectonic activity of the western Eger Rift


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)

Resolved in:

2016 - 2019

Principal investigator:

Dr. Tomáš Fisher
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science


Dr. Petra Štěpančíkova
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS
Prof. Jonas Kley, Dr.
Georg-August Universität Göttingen


The project is focused to the assessment of Late cenozoic to present tectonic activity of the western Eger Rift,which is typified by Quaternary volcanism, present seismicity and O2 degassing. The Mariánské Lázně Fault delimiting the Cehb BAsin from the East is a pronounced morphological structure of the western part of Bohemian Massif. The local seimic activity does not exceed magnitude 5,but the preliminary paleoseismic investigations point to the possible occurrence of large earthquakes (Mw 6+) during Holocene. Quaternaryfaulting will be studied by methods of tectonic geomorphology, structural geology, paleoseismology, applied geopfsics and dating aimed to reveal kinematics, movements charcter and individual tectonic phases. Present tectonic fabric will be inferred from relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms from broader area, which will serve for deriving the present tectonic stress field. As another expression of present geodynamic activity, lateral time dependence of CO2 ascent, which is the likely triggering mechanism of the seismicity, will be studied.

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Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)