Two demonstration units for the treatment of waste organic materials


Grant No.:

Research programme: The efficient conversion and storage of energy - Strategy AV21

Grant Agency:


Resolved in:

2017 - 2017

Principal investigator:

Ing. Olga Bičáková, PhD.
Department of Materials Structure and Properties
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS


Ing. Michael Pohořelý, Ph.D
Department of Environmental Engineering
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS


Two demonstration units for the thermal treatment of organic waste with the capture of all emerging products will be built. The obtained products will be characterized by available analytical methods to meet the demanding requirements for clean fuels suitable for other energy purposes (combustion).

External website:

Web of the Project

Materials for download:

Odkaz na vytvořenou popularizační publikaci:
Pohořelý M., Moško J., Zach B., Šyc M., Václavková Š., Jeremiáš M., Svoboda K., Skoblia S., Beňo Z., Brynda J., Trakal L., Straka P., Bičáková O., Innemanová, P.:
Materiálové a energetické využití suchého stabilizovaného čistírenského kalu – výroba biocharu středně-teplotní pomalou pyrolýzou. Waste Forum. Roč. 2017, č. 2 (2017), s. 42–48 ISSN 1804-0195