Grant No.: GA205/02/0381 |
Grant Agency:Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) |
Resolved in: 2002 - 2004 |
Principal investigator:Ing. Milan Brož, CSc., Department of Seismotectonics, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i. |
Co-investigators: Ing. Josef Horálek, CSc., Institute of Geophysics of the AS CR, v.v.i. |
Description: The aim of the project is to conduct interdisplinary geophysical, geodetic and geological research in the West Bohemian/Vogtland earthquake swarm region. It is expected that the joint interpretation of geophysical, geodetic and geological data from this challenging natural laboratory might contribute substantially to the understanding of the relations among frequent earthquake swarms, surface deformations, subrecent volcanism, heat-flow, activity of mineral springs and crustal structure. The results obtained have been relevant for explanation of the causes of recurrent accumulation of stress in the Earth’s crust in the region resulting in repeated seismic energy release in the form of intensive earthquake swarms. The local seismic network WEBNET was established for monitoring of the region. In 2003 an upgrade of this network was realized. |
Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only) |