Resolved in: 2001 - 2003 |
Principal investigator:Josef Stemberk, ÚSMH AV ČR, Department Engineering Geology and Geofactors, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i. |
Co-investigators: Miloslav Slabina, National Museum, Prague |
Description: The project aims to uncover genesis and dynamics of slope failures found at two selected localities. It combines research interesting both due to anomalous geodynamical effects and interdisciplinary approach. It is aimed to provide practical environmental and archaeological results useful for preservation of historical objects. NW edge of sandstone Příhrazy Plateau (Preserved Area Český Ráj) is a classical locality studied by numerous authors as to block slope deformations. Under present climatic conditions the deformations have been considered fossil. In the period of the last 11 years, however, there appeared a new activity without morphological changes. The whole area of the plateau has an archaeological importance having been inhabited since Neolithic Age. The massif of gneiss called Valy Hill near Kašperské Hory in the Šumava National Park has been extensively disturbed by a rock slide. From the geodynamical point of view, such a failure in gneiss with slope reaching a relative high of 125 m only, is unlikely. An analogical failure in the Šumava region is not known. There is a castle site situated also on the hilltop, dated to Iron Age. Most likely, a catastrophic rock fall of NW section of the hilltop has torn down about one quarter of the original site. Apart from that, it appears that the last period of twelve years produced movement activation or acceleration even here. Both localities show a principal fact that archaeological discoveries and slope failures are in a close connection, and essential for the interpretation, as well as preservation of the objects. There is a chance to find even other similar rock objects to solve problems of dynamics and factors decisive in similar development. The localities will provide a chance to engineering-geological and geomorphological in-situ research. The activity of slope movements will be systematically monitored and analysed. Geophysical and hydrogeological methods will be applied, and climatic dendrologic and archaeological data implemented into the research. |
Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only) |