Materials resistant to temperature and oxidation on the basis of pyrolyzed polysiloxanes


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)

Resolved in:

2000 - 2002

Principal investigator:

RNDr. František Kolář, Department of Composites and Carbon Materials, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.


Ing. Vladimír Machovič CSc., The Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (ICT)


The aim of the project is to develop high temperature resistant, relatively cheap material for use in oxidation atmosphere. This material can be used neat or as matrix of fiber composites. The pyrolysis of polymethylsiloxans and polyphenylsiloxans will b e used for preparation of these materials. For optimal choose of precursor and preparative conditions we need detail knowledge of pyrolysis process. Therefore changes structure and some characteristic properties of polysiloxanes during pyrolysis will be study, in dependence on exterior conditions and type of precursor. After estimation of experiment a model scheme will be proposed and corresponding kinetics. On base of acquired results will be proposed applicable thermal resistant materials and optimize d their preparation.

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Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)