Primary minerals and new primary phases in ore veins of Jáchymov deposit


Resolved in:

2000 - 2002

Principal investigator:

Petr Ondruš, Institute of Geology AS CR, v.v.i.


Vladimír Šrein, Department engineering geology and geofactors, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.
Jan Hloušek, Jáchymov


Chief aim of the research proposed is to comprehensively characterize primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district (not yet studied in such a way), their genetic relations, succession and relationships to secondary minerals. The research is intended to primary and secondary mineralisation in such chemically complex system. Research will so clarify basic mineralogical problems, which are not understandable now. Other results will be: definition and description of possible new primary phases not described yet and their proposal to be approved by CNMMN of IMA, search for V - and Mo -containing primary minerals, verifying of all published primary minerals. The application for the grant is linked closely to two GA ČR grants (one already finished and one in progress) devoted to the one of the richest localities in the world with respect to a number of mineral species. On a base of these two grants (GA ČR No. 205/93/0900 and 205/97/0491), 207 species of secondary minerals and 30 new natural mineral phases were described in detail in a special issue of the Journal of the Czech Geological Society. The research should fill in the last gap in the knowledge of mineralogy of Jáchymov ore deposit.

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Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)