Grant No.: 106/99/0096 |
Grant Agency:Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) |
Resolved in: 1999 - 2001 |
Principal investigator:Bohumila Košková, Textile Engineering of Technical University of Liberec |
Co-investigators: Petr Glogar, Department of Composites and Carbon Materials, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.
Miroslav Černý, Klokner Institute, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Description: A comprehensive quantification of the actual yarn arrangement in fabric reinforced composites and of their elastic properties is the main objective of the project. The descriptive parameters will be obtained by evaluating the frequency spectrum of the Fourier series approximating the yarn pattern in the composite. The crimp waveform may be subjected to deformation when pressed during the manufacture and the frequency spectrum can thus be modified with respect to that of the unprocessed (free) fabric. The frequency spectrum parameters will be utilised in analytical and numerical modelling of elastic properties of the composites. The analytic modelling will be based on a geometric arrangement and on the number of the periodicity unit cells (composed of crimp waves of the interlaced yarns) and will enable description of the displacement field inhomogeneities within the unit cell. The study will be performed using a set of fabric reinforced specimens specially chosen to allow an experimental verification of the model calculations. The elastic properties will be measured statically and by a dynamic method of resonant frequencies. |
Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only) |