International Advisory Board of the IRSM

About IAB

The Director of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the "Institute"), after consulting the Institute Board and the Academy Council of the Czech Academy of Sciences, establishes an International Advisory Board as a permanent advisory body to the Director of the Institute, according to Article 10 paragraph 2 of the Appendix to the Statutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The role of the International Advisory Board (hereinafter referred to as the “IAB”) is especially:
- to provide ongoing consultancy to the Institute on its research activities, particularly on issues of significant importance, such as: defining and fulfilling the Institute’s research strategy, further developing its research areas, establishing international cooperation, participating in international projects and evaluating the Institute’s work
- to produce reports about the Institute and its scientific or research teams
- to provide recommendations in relation to activities of scientific or research teams at the Institute
- to provide further recommendations at the request of the Director of the Institute

Legal status of IAB

Chairman of the IAB

Deputy Chairman of the IAB

Secretary of the IAB

Members of the IAB

Doc. RNDr. Pavel Straka, DrSc.
  Phone: +420266009402
Prof. Kimon Christanis
  Institution: Univerzita Patras, Řecko (za geochemii)
  CV: Curriculum vitae
Prof. Manfred Joswig
  Institution: Univerzita ve Stuttgartu, Německo (za geofyziku a seismotektoniku)
  CV: Curriculum vitae
Prof. Yann Klinger
  Institution: Fyzikální ústav, Pařížská univerzita – CNRS, Francie (za paleoseismologii a datování geologických procesů)
  CV: Curriculum vitae
Dr. Rouwen Johannes Lehné
  Institution: Technická univerzita Darmstadt, Německo (za inženýrskou geologii a užitou geologii)
  CV: Curriculum vitae
Prof. Dr. Vladimir E. Yudin
  Institution: Ústav Makromolekulární Chemie, Ruská akademie věd, St.Petersburg, Rusko (za materiálový výzkum v oblasti kompozitních materiálů)
  CV: Curriculum vitae